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Last year, we discovered cake decorating classes with The CreATEery, and we recently returned for their new Weekday Wine Down series (yes, wine included!). It's the perfect way to catch up with friends or enjoy a date after work while trying something new and sipping on local wine.

If you're new to The CreATEery, they offer pop-up cake decorating classes all around Houston for both adults and kids. It’s a fun, creative way to learn the basics of cake decorating while making memories (and sneaking in a few bites of cake along the way 😉).

We had a blast decorating heart-shaped cakes this time around. The class introduced us to new icing techniques that we didn’t explore in our last session, so even if you've been before, each class offers something fresh and exciting.

In both classes, the instructors made the process easy to follow. They're great at showing and explaining each step, ensuring the experience is both fun and approachable for all skill levels. Whether you're a beginner or looking to sharpen your decorating skills, you'll walk away with an edible masterpiece that’s Instagram-worthy.

With upcoming themes like Halloween, now is the perfect time to sign up! Check their website for details on future events, private party options, and more.

If you're searching for a fun way to unwind after a busy day or want to pick up a new skill, we highly recommend The CreATEery. From the creative atmosphere to the delightful treats, it’s an experience you won’t want to miss!

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